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Nepenthes edwardsiana
The original of this watercolor that shows Nepenthes edwardsiana on Mount Tambuyukon, Sabah, Borneo, is in A2 format (60 x 42 cm/ 23,6 x 16,5 inches).
Mount Tambuyukon is home to several famous tropical pitcher plants (N. rajah, N. lowii, N. villosa, N. edwardsiana , N. burbidgeae…). These iconic species have contributed to propel the genus into fame in the 19th century. SOLD
Mount Tambuyukon is home to several famous tropical pitcher plants (N. rajah, N. lowii, N. villosa, N. edwardsiana , N. burbidgeae…). These iconic species have contributed to propel the genus into fame in the 19th century. SOLD
Nepenthes diabolica
Black and white illustration of Nepenthes diabolica (formerly know as Nepenthes "red hamata hairy"), a toothed species of tropical pitcher plant from Sulawesi, Indonesia. SOLD
Nepenthes lowii
The original of this watercolor that shows Nepenthes lowii on Mount Trusmadi, Sabah, Borneo, is in A2 format (60 x 42 cm/ 23,6 x 16,5 inches). The pitcher plant is here depicted with a tree shrew (Tupaia montana) and the Mountain Blackeye bird (Zosterops emiliae) both in search of the sweet exhudate produced by the pitchers. N. lowii is also accompanied here by some orchids, Dendrochilum species and Bulbophyllum muluense (top right of the painting). Also included are a juvenile of N. lowii growing on the trunk, a small moth (family Geometridae) under a leaf that the painter observed when he last camped on Mount Trusmadi and the silhouette of Mount Kinabalu, South East Asia highest peak (4095 m), home to the most famous tropical pitcher plants (N. rajah, N. lowii, N. villosa, N. edwardsiana , N. burbidgeae…) that propelled the genus into fame in the 19th century. SOLD.
Dionaea muscipula
Black and white scientific illustration showing Dionaea muscipula aka the Venus flytrap, the most iconic of all carnivorous plants. SOLD
Nepenthes burbidgeae
The original of this watercolor that shows a group of pristine Nepenthes burbidgeae pitchers uncovered while ascending Mount Tambuyukon in Sabah, Borneo, is in A2 format (60 x 42 cm/ 23,6 x 16,5 inches) and is a tribute to this iconic species, one of the prettiest in Borneo. SOLD
Darlingtonia californica
Black and white scientific illustration showing Darlingtonia californica, also known as the Cobra Lily, a famous carnivorous plant known from southern Oregon and Northern California only. SOLD
Nepenthes macrophylla
Botanical illustration of Nepenthes macrophylla, a toothed species of tropical pitcher plant from Sabah, Borneo (watercolor and white ink). SOLD.
Heliamphora parva
Black and white scientific illustration of Heliamphora parva, a carnivorous plant from the Pico da Neblina, a remote 3000 meters high tepui (flat mountain) from Brazil. SOLD
Nepenthes mapuluensis
Watercolor painting showing
the carnivorous plant Nepenthes mapuluensis, an endemic pitcher plant from Kalimantan, Borneo. SOLD
the carnivorous plant Nepenthes mapuluensis, an endemic pitcher plant from Kalimantan, Borneo. SOLD
Rafflesia arnoldii
Black and white scientific illustration showing the parasitic plant, Rafflesia arnoldii, the largest flower in the world, found in Sumatra and Borneo. SOLD
Pinguicula grandiflora ssp. rosea
Botanical illustration showing the carnivorous plant Pinguicula grandiflora ssp. rosea, an European endemic (the yellow flower in the foreground belongs to the non carnivorous Lysimachia nemorum).
The original painting (watercolor and white ink), A3 sized, was commissioned by the International Carnivorous Plant society on August 2021 to honor German botanist Jost Casper who greatly contributed to the knowledge of the genus Pinguicula. Pinguicula grandiflora spp. rosea was the first taxon described by Mr Casper. SOLD.
The original painting (watercolor and white ink), A3 sized, was commissioned by the International Carnivorous Plant society on August 2021 to honor German botanist Jost Casper who greatly contributed to the knowledge of the genus Pinguicula. Pinguicula grandiflora spp. rosea was the first taxon described by Mr Casper. SOLD.
Nepenthes Berbulu
Black and white scientific illustration showing Nepenthes Berbulu, a newly described pitcher plant from Peninsular Malaysia. SOLD
Drosera lowriei
Watercolor painting showing the carnivorous plant Drosera lowriei, an Australian tuberous sundew. SOLD
Drosera allantostigma
Black and white scientific illustration of Drosera allantostigma, arguably the rarest of all pygmy sundews. The original of this illustration (pen and ink) was made for Curtis Botanical Magazine and is 27 cm x 16,5 cm. SOLD
Drosera falconeri
Watercolor painting showing the carnivorous plant Drosera falconeri, a well known species of the Drosera petiolaris complex. This species is remarkable, among other features, for its ressemblance with the iconic Venus Flytrap. SOLD
Nepenthes macfarlanei
Black and white illustration of Nepenthes macfarlanei, one of the first pitcher plant described from Peninsular Malaysia. This species has been poorly understood for more than one century until it has recently been studied at its type locality on Gunung Bubu. SOLD
Drosophyllum lusitanicum
Botanical illustration showing the carnivorous plant Drosophyllum lusitanicum also known as the Dewy Pine (Watercolor, pen and white ink).
Nepenthes sericea
Black and white illustration of Nepenthes sericea, an endemic species from Peninsular Malaysia. This plant was formerly known as "N. macfarlanei from Cameron Highlands" and was described very recently as a species in its own right after the true Nepenthes macfarlanei has been rediscovered and studied at its type locality on Gunung Bubu. SOLD
Nepenthes clipeata
The original of this watercolor shows Nepenthes clipeata and is a tribute to this iconic and highly endangered tropical pitcher plant known only from Kalimantan, Borneo. SOLD
Nepenthes limiana
Black and white illustration of Nepenthes limiana, a newly described endemic species from northern Peninsular Malaysia. SOLD
Nepenthes rajah
The original of this watercolor, «Careless rat (Rattus baluensis) inspecting Nepenthes rajah on the summit of Mount Tambuyukon, Sabah, Borneo" », is a tribute to this legendary tropical pitcher plant-the largest of all- and famous for having trapping rats, known only from Sabah, Borneo. SOLD
Nepenthes veitchii
This watercolor shows Nepenthes veitchii in Bario, Sarawak, Borneo. It is in A2 format (60 x 42 cm/ 23,6 x 16,5 inches). SOLD.
Heliamphora electrum
Black and white illustration of Heliamphora electrum, a newly described marsh pitcher plant from Venezuela. SOLD.
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